Legal Client Conference Calls & Client Meetings

Transcripts for face to face and online Client Meetings.

Let a professional transcription service handle the details.
Focus on extracting the story and asking the right questions.
Not taking notes and correcting AI guesswork.

  • Accurate technical client meeting notes.
  • Accurate spellings of people and places.
  • Links to research on the backend.

Working face-to-face with clients, the clock is running.
You are piecing together the history of the issues. Forming a strategy to move the clients case forward. An accurate transcript of the meeting captures the key details, providing a solid foundation for building your case—who said what and when, the correct spelling of people and places, and even provide link to context for the more unusual concepts or references.
Let us provide the support yo are looking for to move quickly and confidently.

Transcripts make it much easier for legal teams to review audio or video recordings, quickly locate important material, and reference it in their work. Timely, accurate transcripts allow teams to efficiently find relevant case material and develop new strategies and supporting evidence.
Fast, precise transcripts are a powerful asset.

LEGAL TIPS: How to quickly use a legal transcript to build the case.