Modern Slavery Statement

This statement details the steps taken by Transcript Divas (Limited) to address modern slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains. This is a voluntary statement, published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act (2015).  

As a small medium enterprise (SME) with an annual turnover below £36 million, Transcript Divas Transcription Services does not have a legal obligation to provide a modern slavery statement or to develop anti-slavery processes under the current legislation in the United Kingdom. This statement, and the accompanying processes, are purely voluntary. Our goal is to raise awareness, and build and embed anti-slavery processes, and expectations of anti-slavery processes, into the UK small and medium sized business community.


TedTalk on Modern Slavery in the UK with Hult University Business School: 

Additional guidance for small businesses that are not legally required to provide statements but wish to commit in some way to tackling the issue:

About Transcript Divas

Transcript Divas is a transcription and translation service provider, registered in the United Kingdom. We provide services across the UK; in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Commitment to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act

Transcript Divas is committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act (2015) and the abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking. Transcript Divas pledge to create equal opportunities, and ensure a nondiscriminatory and respectful working environment for both employees and self-employed contractors.

We design our recruitment and people management processes to ensure that all prospective employees and self-employed contractors have legal entitlement to work in the UK. We commit to safeguarding employees and self-employed contractors from any abuse or coercion whilst completing contracts for the company. 

Transcript Divas’ supply chain

Transcript Divas contracts directly with approximately 50 suppliers, including self-employed contractors. Our supply chain is limited and we procure goods and services from a restricted range of UK and overseas suppliers. We have reviewed our service providers and those we contract with. Most are not of the size to be subject to the Modern Slavery Act requirements. Any that are comply, and have published statements on Slavery & Human Trafficking, which include their mechanisms for guarding against modern slavery in their clients’ supply chains. This includes Amazon Website Hosting (who hosts our website in London), Xero (who provides our accounting software) and Google (who manages our email). 

Amazon Statement
Xero Statement
Google Statement

Modern Slavery reporting process

Key Performance Indicators

  • Transcript Divas received zero reports from employees, self-employed contractors, the public or law enforcement agencies to indicate that modern slavery practices had been identified within our business or wider network. 

Actions planned for 2024–25

During 2024–25, Transcript Divas will undertake the following activities:

  • Develop a modern slavery statement for our website. This will include information for website visitors about the Modern Slavery Act (2015), and the appropriate action to take if they suspect a case of slavery or human trafficking.
  • Raise awareness with employees and self-employed contractors of the Modern Slavery Act (2015). Inform them of the appropriate action to take if they suspect a case of slavery or human trafficking within Transcript Divas or the wider community.
  • Develop contract terms and conditions to include references to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking.